The BridgeLine, a case management, and residential and day program provider for adults with traumatic brain injuries (TBI), has launched an information outreach program in Nelson County, thanks to a grant from NCCF. TBI’s are commonly caused by falls, auto accidents, and athletic injuries. They are estimated to affect 1 out of every 60 Nelson County residents, based on national averages.
The BridgeLine runs case management, residential, and drop-in service programs in Charlottesville, some of which are free or low-cost. For more information or to schedule a BridgeLine presentation to your community group, visit, or email Michael Nafziger at; phone: 434-327-9010

The Bridge Line’s Beth Elliot (L) and Michael Nafzinger (R) told NCCF board members about the pressing need for more support to those with traumatic brain injuries.